Navigating Career Transitions: Advice from Athena Coach Ashley Rudolph

Whether it’s something you have been thinking about for a while or you have been thrust into it, career transitions can be either daunting or exhilarating, and sometimes both.

July 25, 2024
career growth strategies

In our recent Salon with performance expert and Athena coach, Ashley Rudolph, we discussed how to approach a career transition, including mindset, questions to ask, and tactical tools to dive in with confidence.

Here are the top takeaways from our discussion:

  1. Reflect and Learn
  • Start exploring the deeper “why” behind what lights you up and what you are good at. Ashley recommends “The Book of Beautiful Questions” for insights into decision-making and transitions.
  • Key questions to consider during a transition include: What lessons should I carry forward from my past experience. What should I leave behind? Who do I want to become? What are my priorities? What does success look like?
  • Dynamic external forces make staying informed and adaptable key. Consider using downtime or making time to bone up on new skills, trends and technologies.
  1. Find Fulfillment vs. Passion
  • Ashley introduces the “REF method” (Reflect, Explore, Find) to help individuals identify activities that bring fulfillment, strengths acknowledged by others, and pivotal skills from past roles. This method can help you reflect on your priorities, values, and next steps.
  • We hear “follow your passion” a lot. It’s important to focus on fulfillment rather than a singular passion. This means looking at opportunities holistically and weighing them against key factors like flexibility, core values, what activities you most enjoy, the kind of environments you thrive in and financial goals.   
  1. Harness LinkedIn Content for Visibility
  • A surprisingly small percentage of LinkedIn users (1%) generate the majority of the content on the platform.  Regularly posting can significantly boost your visibility.  This can be as simple as posting an article on and adding a few lines with your perspective as a thought leader. 
  • Optimizing your profile with relevant keywords and engaging content can attract job offers and collaboration opportunities. Even if engagement on posts is low, many users passively browse, so your efforts will still be noticed.
  • Recruiters often reach out based on your LinkedIn activity, underlining the importance of a robust and active presence on the platform.
  1. Leverage the Strength of Weak Ties
  • Networking—especially leveraging “weak ties” or second-degree connections—is crucial for job searches. This includes reaching out to former colleagues, clients, vendors, classmates and people in adjacent industries.
  • LinkedIn serves as a powerful platform to showcase your expertise and foster connections. Sharing content can position you as a thought leader and attract opportunities.
  1. Explore Fractional Work
  • Fractional work is gaining popularity, particularly among executive women. It can offer flexibility while keeping professionals relevant and engaged in their careers.
  • Though unconventional paths may seem daunting, these roles can transition into full-time positions or serve as stepping stones into new industries, enriching one’s skill set.

Career transitions are multifaceted and personal, of course, but whether your shift is unforeseen or planned, Ashley’s insights can help you develop a valuable roadmap for your next chapter. Athena members interested in coaching sessions with Ashley can view her coaching profile and schedule a session with her here.

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