Committed to Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity, inclusion, and equity apply to every aspect of Athena – from our members to our team to our coaches and our partners. We strive to be a community that supports women from all backgrounds, all abilities, all cultures. And, we’re dedicated to evaluating our efforts with transparency, and a desire to lead change from the front.

In our community

From the beginning, we made a commitment to ensure our membership reflected the demographics of society as a whole, with at least 37.6% of our members being women of color. Today, 39.5% of our members identify as women of color and 4% identify as LGBTQIA+.

Athena celebrates all the diversity in the communities we serve, from LGBTQ+, to people with disabilities, to military, and more. This is just the beginning.

Annual Diversity Updates

The Path to 37.6%: We made it. And we’re gonna keep going

The future of leadership is diverse. At Athena Alliance, we’re committed to ensuring the insights offered at the top levels of leadership reflect the experiences of society as a whole. That only happens when diverse voices are heard at the table. READ MORE

Our Continued Mission to Support All Diversity

One of our core beliefs at Athena is that the top level of leadership should reflect the dynamics of society as a whole. This is the second annual “progress report” on where we’ve come – the wins along the way, and the progress yet to be realized. READ MORE

Progress Report: The Path to 37.6%. Here’s Where We Are Now.

In late June last year, I made a promise. I committed Athena to getting its membership to 37.6% women of color. At the time I made the promise, we were at just 13% women of color in Athena. READ MORE

Race Equity: It Starts at 37.6%

I am not going to make one statement and be done. This is the first in a series of posts/letters I will be making to address how Athena, and I personally, will help the whole of our society thrive. I started Athena because I wanted to change the world from the top. READ MORE