The Magic of Women Elevating Women

For so many years – and still so often today – women have fought to get ahead and to get equality. History has shown that we’ve had to prove ourselves every step of the way. Our worth. Our intelligence. Our value.

March 8, 2023
impact network

For so many years – and still so often today – women have fought to get ahead and to get equality. History has shown that we’ve had to claw, protest, fight, litigate, and – well, prove ourselves! – every step of the way. Our worth. Our being. Our intelligence. Our existence. Our value.

Let’s face it: nothing has come easy for women. And, for so many of us, it still isn’t coming easy. Perhaps that is why we find so much comfort in turning to others who are going through the same.

As we celebrate another Women’s History Month, I want to shine a light on the unique value that women bring to one another. Confidence, perspective, warmth, support, and championship. This is what happens when women lean into one another and lift each other up. When we all take an abundance mindset and surround ourselves with an authentic network of champions, we can collectively progress forward.

I believe Athena Alliance offers the most authentic, radical community experiences available to women today. It’s with great pride that I share some highlights I’ve heard recently from the remarkable community of Athena Alliance women:

  • “The Athena community helps me feel like I belong somewhere in this male-dominated world.”
  • “Women at Athena can share their most personal, vulnerable struggles, as well as financial acumen and executive education, with each other. All the while knowing that each woman’s journey is different.”
  • “Athena is a place where women can speak frankly, build skills, and advance our competitiveness for the opportunities available.”
  • “Women need their own affinity groups such as Athena to share, to bond, and to learn in a place of empathy and psychological safety.”
  • “What makes Athena so special is the role models and the concentration of women that have been successful where so many of us aspire to be.”
  • “One of the things I love about Athena is meeting women facing the same issues I am, at the same career point.”

But this isn’t about Athena – this is about what happens when women support women. This is what happens when women take an abundance mindset and lean back with an open hand as they climb the career ladder. This is about mentorship; the “girls’ club” of insights and advice – which has historically not really existed for women, not in this way. This is about creating a safe space for women to just be – to just be themselves; to ask any and all questions; to show up any way they choose to show up.

When women support women, I believe we all win…

Women feel more confident at work. This leads to more promotions for women and a decrease in gender bias—an issue that affects all of society.

Women realize they are not alone. Their experiences of feeling like “onlys” or outsiders are valid and true. There is power in sharing stories and supporting each other. There is power in connecting with others who are in similar places in their career, with similar experiences. Suddenly, work is a lot less lonely.

Women can celebrate their successes and receive the recognition that is so often lacking in larger work environments. Their achievements can be validated through community, empowering them to continue to propel their career forward.

Women can make deals and do business with one another. Just as men tend to advance each others’ interests through a powerful network of business connections, women can benefit from being well-networked. This opens the doors to hiring referrals, early-stage investment rounds, and generally doing business together. A win-win.

As women continue to advance in work and business, they are more empowered and capable of making the best decisions for their families and their personal situations, whatever they may be. Women are empowered when they have access to choice and opportunity – and empowered women benefit all of society.

On this International Women’s Day, I challenge women to continue to think about how they can support other women in their lives. I encourage all of us to move forward with an abundance mindset – there is “enough” out there, for all of us, as long as we stick together. And, when there is enough, maybe – just maybe – our progress forward will be made a little easier. For all of us.

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