Top 10 Questions to Ask about ESG in Your Boardroom

Athena Coach and board ESG expert Britt Ide shares ten questions to jumpstart your board’s conversations around ESG.

March 10, 2022

From Vanguard to Blackrock, investors are increasing their focus on boards’ oversight of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. It’s more important than ever for boards to align ESG issues with their company strategy, integrate it into their board agendas, and report data in a transparent and compliant way. To get you started, Athena Coach and board ESG expert Britt Ide (board director at NorthWestern Energy, Atlis Motor Vehicles and CleanTech Acquisition Corp) shares ten questions to jumpstart your board’s conversations around ESG.

  1. How does your company define ESG?
  2. ESG is a journey and must be aligned to the company strategy; what are the ESG risks and opportunities to achieving the strategy?
  3. Does your board have an ESG expert? A committee that owns ESG issues?
  4. Is ESG sufficiently covered on your board agenda? Do you need information from your investor relations, community, or communications teams? Do you need to invite an expert or significant investor to speak with or train your board?
  5. What types of ESG data are your company’s investors and stakeholders requesting? What metrics are you reporting? Can you attract impact investors?
  6. What quality ESG data is already available that can be disclosed and transparent? Investors want “decision-useful data”.
  7. Are management resources aligned to ESG strategy?
  8. Is ESG integrated into your company culture? Is your CEO a champion with goals and results and compensation incentives that are transparent across the entire organization?
  9. How is your company communicating its ESG strategy? Is the WHY clear? Can you constructively engage with your critics? Are you proactive instead of reactive?
  10.  How are you ensuring accurate reporting and avoiding green-washing?

Athena members eager to learn more can listen to Britt’s ESG Primer in the Athena Library. You can also schedule coaching with Britt to get targeted advice for your ESG strategy, board journey, board value proposition, and more.

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