Committed to Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity, inclusion, and equity apply to every aspect of Athena – from our members to our team to our coaches and our partners. We strive to be a community that supports women from all backgrounds, all abilities, all cultures. And, we’re dedicated to evaluating our efforts with transparency, and a desire to lead change from the front.

executive connections
board interview preparation

In our community

From the beginning, we made a commitment to ensure our membership reflected the demographics of society as a whole, with at least 37.6% of our members being women of color. Today, 39.5% of our members identify as women of color and 4% identify as LGBTQIA+.

Athena celebrates all the diversity in the communities we serve, from LGBTQ+, to people with disabilities, to military, and more. This is just the beginning.

athena leadership network

Annual Diversity Updates

executive coaching

A Path to Inclusive Leadership

Athena is dedicated to building a community that reflects society’s diverse demographics and championing inclusive leadership paths for women of all races, backgrounds, and perspectives. Read our Annual Diversity Report to see how we’re creating a more representative and supportive environment for leaders to drive meaningful change. READ MORE

board opportunities

Growing a Diverse Future

One of our core beliefs at Athena is that the top level of leadership should reflect the dynamics of society as a whole. In this message, our Founder and CEO shares Athena’s commitment to fostering inclusive leadership and responsible growth. READ MORE

self-guided learning

Our Continued Mission to Support All Diversity

One of our core beliefs at Athena is that the top level of leadership should reflect the dynamics of society as a whole. This is the second annual “progress report” on where we’ve come – the wins along the way, and the progress yet to be realized. READ MORE
member success team

Progress Report: The Path to 37.6%. Here’s Where We Are Now.

In late June last year, I made a promise. I committed Athena to getting its membership to 37.6% women of color. At the time I made the promise, we were at just 13% women of color in Athena. READ MORE

board opportunities

Race Equity: It Starts at 37.6%

I am not going to make one statement and be done. This is the first in a series of posts/letters I will be making to address how Athena, and I personally, will help the whole of our society thrive. I started Athena because I wanted to change the world from the top. READ MORE