Gaining Clarity on Your Leadership Plan & Reaching Your Olympic Gold​​: Tips from Athena Coach Sheryl Kline

Athena Coach Sheryl Kline works with world-class athletes and some of the country’s most influential women leaders. She employs Olympic-level confidence and negotiation skills to help them master their mindsets and influence.

December 14, 2022

For 25 years, I’ve worked with world-class athletes and some of the country’s most influential women leaders to master their mindsets and influence. I employ Olympic-level confidence and negotiation skills to help my clients speak up, be heard, and unlock their next level of impact.

What’s the secret to achieving Olympic Gold – whatever that means for you? It starts inside.

I always say, “Approach every day as if success is inevitable – because one day you’ll be called, and you’ll be ready.” People who put in the work every day often appear to be the ones with all the “luck”. But getting into the right mindset now – today – lays the foundation to catapult your impact when opportunity knocks.

Below, I share some tips and strategies to get clarity on your goals and maximize your leadership potential.

Operate from your highest sense of integrity

Have you ever acted in a way that was not congruent with your highest sense of integrity?

Think about a time when you were short with a colleague or a family member. Where did that come from? You may have been overly stressed, lacking sleep, pushing yourself to do something you didn’t want t,o do or any number of things in between. How did that feel?

You’re not different people. You’re still you when you’re functioning and behaving at your best and at your worst. Everyone, from Olympians to CEOs, will have times when they don’t show up in their highest sense of integrity. The best performers know how to course-correct and recalibrate; this requires next-level awareness.

Do the work:

  • Ask yourself, next time you’re in a highly stressful, highly charged situation, how do you want to show up?
  • What are three words that describe your best self?
  • What is one thing holding you back from showing up as your best self?
  • How can you remind yourself daily of your highest sense of integrity?

Chart your path with intention

World-class performers have tremendous clarity on their long-term vision and the outcome they seek in crucial interactions. Once we see that vision, feel it, and connect to it, we can get clear on a plan to get there.

I help Athena members develop a plan for their next level of success and the consistent actions needed to get there. To get started, I recommend thinking ahead to the end of your career. What legacy do you want to leave? How would you like to be remembered?

World-class athletes, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and most thought leaders begin with the end in mind. In other words, they start at the finish line and work backward.

Do the work:

  • What is your long-term objective?
  • What is one roadblock you will need to overcome to get there?
  • What is one action you can take this week to make progress?

Show up the right way during high-stakes moments

The next step to reaching your top level of purpose and success is to take control of the moments that matter.

Bring more awareness to your emotions and how they show up during high-stakes moments. The tone and inflection of your voice are 5x more powerful than the actual content of what you’re saying! Confidence is a learned skill that enables you to show up and deliver, and gives you the conviction to persevere when the road gets difficult.

Do the work:

  • Think about an important conversation, presentation, negotiation, etc. you have coming up. How do you want to show up?
  • Develop your plan A – what is the best possible outcome if they fully accept your plan?
  • Develop your plan B – what does medium buy-in look like and how will you respond?
  • Develop your plan C – how can you prepare ahead of time in case your idea is rejected? How can you bounce back?

These tools are part of Sheryl’s Limitless Leader Roadmap system that’s helped dozens of women executives and their teams build the clarity, confidence, and influence to become heard, valued, and respected agents of change.

Ready to chart your leadership plan? Athena members can schedule time with Sheryl by logging into Athena.

Athena supports women leaders as they tackle their biggest career goals. Joining Athena unlocks access to the top board & business education on the market, paired with coaching by experts like Sheryl and the community you need to climb the highest professional peaks. Learn more here.

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